Forming Communities...
Below are our articles on the subject of Forming Communities. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Bring in Community Business
Businesses are a central part of a neighbourhood, and involving them in events and programmes can be a win-win situation....

Cleaning Up Your Neighbourhood
You can clean up your neighbourhood by organizing volunteers for a community clean up day – and you’ll find the council able to help....

Communities and Local Government
Communities and local government can be at odds – but it’s in the interests of both to work together....

Community Activism
By organizing something like a resident’s association in the neighbourhood, you can become politically active and make important improvements to the area, working with…...

Community Play Groups
A community playgroup can prove to be a real asset. Setting one up is hard work, but the short and long-term rewards can be enormous for local people....

Creating Community Events
Organising a community event can be a fantastic thing, but be aware of all the work and planning that’s necessary beforehand....

Empowering Your Community
Empowering the community is more than a buzz phrase, it’s action that can make a major difference to the area....

Fundraising in the Community
Fundraising is a constant demand for any community organization, and demands imagination to come up with new ideas....

Helping the Elderly in the Community
The elderly are among the most vulnerable in any community, but there are many things individuals and groups can do to help them....

How to Set Up a Community Newspaper
Community newspapers are created by and for the local community and can help to generate local feeling and interest by citizen journalism....

Minorities in the Community
Making minorities feel like part of a community isn’t easy, but there are several ways yo help it happen....

Organising Community Volunteers
Putting together volunteers isn’t easy, and you’ll find two groups, one willing to do long-term work, the other just for specific events or causes....

The Community Centre
The community centre – whatever type of building it is – can stand as the vital centre of a neighbourhood, inviting all to use it and bringing in new programmes....

Using a 'Phone Tree' for Community Action
The phone tree can prove to be a highly effective tool for disseminating short messages to the community about issues and meetings....

Using The Web For Your Community
Community websites offer great advantages as avenues for disseminating news and community information....

Working with Local Schools
There are a number of ways in which community residents and parents can work with and benefit schools in their area....